
Why not join our team?

If you have reached this page, we are sure you have a good measure of our core business operations we hope you have arrived here because you would like to be part of what we do. We are always keen to hear from people looking to start or continue their IT careers.

Do you share our values?​
Our values are to look after the employees we have and the clients who we work with. It means to be mindful, respectful, confidential, and inclusive. Our team has to have a shared vision to keep the services we offer personable but professional. A balance we look to maintain and protect continually in our work environment.​

LJT Systems is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment. This means that all job applicants receive equal treatment regardless of age, race, sex, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, or sexual orientation​

If you are interested in becoming part of our team, please send your CV to